ACSAUVEL - The Child's City
Civil Association for the Safeguard of the Child in Lebanon
– One House for all Generations –

The situation in Lebanon is very difficult. Acsauvel has been able to remain open and to keep our children in education. But it is increasingly difficult to keep up. I would be very happy if you could help me to spread the word about our new fundraising campaign and/or make a donation.
It means the world to our children, their families and to our teachers and therapists.
ACSAUVEL, civil association for the safeguard of the human being in Lebanon, is a non-profit, humanitarian association that is recognized by the Lebanese Government under N. 127 dated 19/10/1979.
The primary goal of our association is to develop the autonomy and social integration of every person that attends our center without any racial, political, or religious discrimination. Our association is currently in charge of 78 mentally challenged children and adults. We offer them specialized education until they attain the age of 18 years, and at that stage, they move on to our workshops section to learn skills at a professional level. Their main activities are pottery, wicker workshop, sewing, cooking, and mosaic.
Scan the QR Code or fill the form to know more about our activities

I am really happy & proud to be a member of such a woderful association. I hope Acsauvel will stay long helping & serving the child with special need.Hoda Baramky Freije
Je suis fiere d’appartenir a la famille d’acsauvel depuis sa fondation je prie le Ciel pour qu’elle continue pour tres longtemps encore son actionaupres des personnes a besoin speciaux.Samia Samaha
Make this 40th anniversary of Acsauvel be a season of joy grace and gift,and a time of mission Amen.Carol Rached
Being a Civil Eng. with professional & financial track records, my role in Acsauvel is to manage expenditures (cost effective side) in relation to construction expansions, administrative & running operations . I am proud to be serving our children & among the Advisory Team to Dear President .Nicolas Ghanem
في المدرسة نتعلم لندخل معترك الحياة لاحقا.. اما في اكسوفيل فاننا نعيش الحياة وبهذا نتعلم. ففي اكسوفيل عشت محبة القريب. و تعلمت ان ذلك ملء الحياة. عشت الوداعة وعلمت ان في ذلك خلاص لي. ر أيت في اكسوفيل فرح الابتسامة وادركت انها سلاح ونعمة، عطرها بلسما مقدسا شافيا. عشت في اكسوفيل بعضا من ملكوت السماوات لان من فيها قال عنهم السيد المسيح ``طوبى لانقياء القلوب، فان لهم ملكوت السماوات``. اكسوفيل... شكرا لك... انت مدرسة الحياةربيع فريحة